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Joined on 12/25/07

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VNStudios's News

Posted by VNStudios - April 26th, 2011

In lieu of the great weather today, please check out our latest album for our band, A Whispered Nova at our Bandcamp

Nice Weather and Music

Posted by VNStudios - April 4th, 2011

Have nothing else to give on news around VNSTUDIOS..stuff has really come to a stand still with other responsibilities taking on more priority. I don't know if anything will get done this year since we've been so busy with freaking school. Oh well, we had a good run and if the powers that be decide it's not in our fate to get anywhere with this 5 year old experiment then so be it I guess?

No New News Today

Posted by VNStudios - March 31st, 2011

Just feel like nothing anymore life doesn't have the same zest it once did with all this work

Nothing and Adrift

Posted by VNStudios - February 26th, 2011

Hello everyone, not much going on in the vnstudios camp due to school work and many commitments it's becoming increasingly difficult to muster the time and energy to devote to vnstudios..the reality bites but it's just another facet of life. As we get older it becomes harder to find the things that inspire and spawn creativity and I think that we're reaching this sort of plateau. I'm sure if we had the time we could do great things but perhaps it's not within our destiny or fate to do so. Anyway a bit of nostalgia for the picture in this post; it's Justin's dad's old 1988 Dodge Diplomat


Posted by VNStudios - January 17th, 2011

Our band, A Whispered Nova, is finally complete with a new album; Unsafe Atmosphere. You can check it out here at our Bandcamp For convenience we posted the new track, Looking to the Sky right here on Newgrounds for our fans! Enjoy!

Our New Album Released on Bandcamp Check It Out!

Posted by VNStudios - January 14th, 2011

Currently working on mixing and mastering Vinny's new song for release!



Posted by VNStudios - December 2nd, 2010

The weather is coldd but no snow; just extremely chilly wind. Right now we're really looking forward to winter break to just stay home, enjoy the holidays, and relax! Stay warm y'all


Posted by VNStudios - November 8th, 2010

Not much new really, just a ton of work and nothing to look forward to other than eating and the meager amount of sleep you can get these days. Life is too damn hard for its own good. Hope everyone else is having a happy busy day!


Fading Away

Posted by VNStudios - October 13th, 2010

Our new band has now released a name-your-own-price EP containing a new track along with some old tunes! Please check it out at our bandcamp page,

A Whispered Nova

Hope you enjoy!


New EP Released on Bandcamp!!

Posted by VNStudios - October 12th, 2010

Our new band has now released a name-your-own-price EP containing a new track along with some old tunes! Please check it out at our bandcamp page,

A Whispered Nova

Hope you enjoy!


New EP Released!!